Ogham in 3D
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CIIC 118. Monataggart I, Co. Cork

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© 2016-05-12
© 2016-10-22

© 2016-10-22

National Monuments Service Record Number: CO061-022002-

Site Type

Long cist burial?



Possible long cist grave (Power et al, 164), which contained 'black earth and charcoal and ... some pieces of an old crock' (Brash 1879, 161). Also discovered at this site was a possible souterrain containing three further ogham stones (Monataggart II-IV) (Quarry (1896), 382)


Possible lintel stone of a long cist grave (Brash1879, 161). (2.20m x 0.43m x 0.30m) (converted from Macalister 1945, 116).


Up on one angle. Letters from groups B and H are inverted. The extra space left between VEQREQ and MOQOI is also noteworthy (represented by 'vac.' below). This occassional use of space to seperate words in ogham (see also CIIC 215 Whitefield I, Co. Kerry) is discussed by Moffat (2011, 290). Also noted by Moffat (2011, 287), is the noticable change in this inscription from 'larger and more broadly spaced scores' initially, to 'finer and more closely spaced scores at the top of the angle'. Presumably the carver realised he was running out of space on that angle and decided to make the remaining letters fit the space rather than continuing over the top of the stone.




'of Fíachri descendant of Glún...?'


  • This is one of the inscriptions listed by McManus (1991, 96) in which syncope (dropping of internal vowels) begins to show itself (loss of vowel indicated by asterisk: VEQ*REQ, GLUN*LEGGET). Therefore, it may be dated to the late sixth or early seventh century (McManus 1991, 97).

  • VEQREQ: probably a compound of *veiko 'energetic, hostile' + 'king' (-RIGAS > REG > REC). Although we would rather expect *VECREG or later *VECREC, Early Old Irish Fechrech (see McManus 1986, 2-4). The same symbol (Q) being used for both guttural sounds is significant in that it shows that these sounds had already fallen together (McManus 1991, 116, 122). McManus (1986, pp 30-1), following Ferguson (1879, 207-10), suggests a possible reading CH (4 scores for C and 1 for H) /x/ rather than Q (5 scores).

  • MOQOI for MUCOI (here velar sound /k/).

  • GLUNLEGGET: unidentified tribal name (glún 'knee'? and ?).



Possibly used as lintel in possible long cist grave in townland of Monataggart, parish of Donoughmore, barony of East Muskerry. The original location of this stone may be accessed via the National Monuments Service Historic Environment viewer on www.archaeology.ie. (GPS coordinates -8.787796,51.976513)



Last Recorded

National Museum of Ireland (NMI Ref. 1874:91), Dublin. The present location of this stone may be accessed via the National Monuments Service Historic Environment viewer on www.archaeology.ie. (GPS coordinates -6.254558,53.340408)

History of Recording

'found in 1872, used as building material in the construction of an underground chamber on this townland...the stone was taken out by the farmer [Mr. Patrick Cogan], who made a gatepost of it - drilling a hole through the top for this purpose. Covered with whitewash in this service it was discovered by Brash, who brought it to notice'' (Macalister 1945,pp 116, 118).


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