Ogham in 3D
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CIIC 180. Emlagh East (IMLEACH DHÚN SÉANN), Co. Kerry

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© COPYRIGHT, 2009 2013-07-18

© COPYRIGHT, 2009 2013-07-18

National Monuments Service Record Number: KE053-040----

Site Type

Possible Ecclesiastical



Tradition of an old church at the strand and evidence for a graveyard found nearby. The ogham stone, known locally as 'Cloch an tSagairt' ('The Priest's Stone'), 'now lies recumbent on a concrete base' on the beach at Trabeg near its original location (Cuppage et al, 255).


Grit, 2.39m x 0.61m x 0.28m (converted from Macalister 1945, 172)

'It bears a cross which is not a later addition, but older than the Ogham, for the L2 of CALIACI has been shortened to avoid running into it' (Macalister 1945, 172). However, another possibility is that the carver of the cross cut into the L score of the ogham inscription, which was already on the stone. It could be argued that, if the cross had been earlier, the sculptor would have shortened both scores of the L rather than just the second.


'The inscription was pocked and rubbed' (Macalister 1945, 172). McManus (1991, 66) advises to 'ignore the letters after CALIACI in Macalister' (CALIACI[AS] M[AQQI MUCOI...). He also noted that the Is of CALIACI were unclear. This reading was confirmed on inspection of the 3d data. The five notches of the first I are just about visible on the 3d model along with three notches of the final I.




'of Bruscus son of Cailech'


  • This is one of the inscriptions listed by McManus (1991, 93-4) to be among the earliest in the corpus showing no trace of vowel affection. It may be dated to the first half, or the early second half, of the fifth century (McManus1991, 97).

  • The name BRUSCCOS (Latinized Bruscus, brosc? 'thunder') also occurs on CIIC 63. Glenawillin I, Cork (BRUSCO MAQI DOVALESCI) (McManus 1991, 106).

  • Lankford (2006) notes that the name Cailech occurs in the genealogies: Cailech m. Era m. Irchuind [Corca Duibne] (LL 324g33, O'Brien CGH 529).



standing upright in a field near the beach at Trabeg (Cuppage et al, 255) in the townland of Emlagh East and barony of Corkaguiney. (GPS coordinates -10.216217, 52.131625)


Find location probably original site

Last Recorded

On site on the beach at Trabeg near where originally found. The present location of this stone may be accessed via the National Monuments Service Historic Environment viewer on www.archaeology.ie.

History of Recording

'This ogham stone was the first to be recorded in this country. An account of it is included in a manuscipt note by Edward Lhwyd dating to about 1702-1707...At that time the stone stood upright in a field near the strand at Trabeg. By the early 19th century it lay on the adjacent shore, washed by the high tide...' (Cuppage et al, 255). According to Macalister (1945, 172-3), 'it was removed to Chute Hall about 1849 but was soon returned. It now lies recumbent on a concrete base on the seashore near its original location'.


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